
Why Join?

Are you really satisfied with only having half the fun with your Vette? Take the joy of owning your Corvette to newer heights. By joining the Corvette Club of Battle Creek (CCBC), you will be offered friendships and a variety of things to do with your fellow Vette-erans. You’ll have the opportunity to:

    • Experience the beauty of fall color tours
    • Seek the thrill of racing
    • Share food and fellowship at drive and dines
    • Enjoy the friendly competition of rallies
    • Help the community at large with our charity activities
    • Cruise with pride in local parades and escort the “royalty” at high school homecomings
    • Take as active a part as you like in organizing our Corvette show, one of the largest Corvettes-only car shows in Michigan, going on our 24th year.
    • And more!

Ready to take your Corvette ownership to the next level? Come to one of our meetings, the first Wednesday of every month! You’ll get to see and experience firsthand what we’re all about, with no pressure to join. Click to our Officers page to find our contact information, and we’ll save you a seat!

Joining CCBC not only brings you joy and new friends, but you also gain membership to National Council of Corvette Clubs (NCCC). The NCCC is a non-profit organization of Corvette Clubs whose purpose is to promote interest in owning and driving the Corvette, giving information on how to get the best drives out out of them, and organizing the effort to encourage others to find joy in America’s true sportscar. They also formulate safety and competition rules for the approximately 300 clubs affiliated with them, providing uniformity and standards. The NCCC also publishes the magazine “Blue Bars” (members automatically get a free subscription!), exclusive membership cards, a scholarship program for high school students, discounts to many national companies to buy things for your Corvette, and insurance coverage when participating in club activities.

Membership Fees

  • Single new member-$41.00
  • Single renewal-$36.00
  • Couple new members-$52.00
  • Couple renewal-$47.00